Isobel Daws

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Isobel Daws

Post by officermayo »

"When in doubt, blow out" - MSgt M.A. Mayo, Marine Band

The contest entry form said "Void where prohibited", so I peed on the Captain's desk.
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Re: Isobel Daws

Post by SwissTbone »

I love her playing! She also won the Swisstbone competition back in 2020 with these two recordings:

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Re: Isobel Daws

Post by Fidbone »

She’s phenomenal. Now 1st trombone with the Luxembourg SO
If you follow her on Instagram there’s loads of sublime playing to hear!
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Re: Isobel Daws

Post by timbone »

Love the quartet too! Wow arrangement on the David too!
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Re: Isobel Daws

Post by StephenK »

Bone Afide are playing in my home town on June 8th. I'm conflicted, my band has a rehearsal and concert the same day. Something's got to give, I'll probably miss our rehearsal. I was gutted to miss them in London recently, similar situation.
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