New here! Greetings from MI

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New here! Greetings from MI

Post by 45thParallel »

Found this site after googling "playing trombone after 30 years."😆

Looks like there are plenty of us "prodigals" looking to pick up the ole bone again.

I've got a lot of reading/catching up to do!! Hoping to get some semblance of chops by summer. Oh yeah, and brush up on reading music as well.🥴
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Re: New here! Greetings from MI

Post by BGuttman »

Moved to Tangents. News and Announcements is supposed to be about Chat particulars, not a "Hello Forum".
Bruce Guttman
Merrimack Valley Philharmonic Orchestra
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Re: New here! Greetings from MI

Post by Kingfan »

Welcome back to the trombone world, 45th! Lots of good information to be found here.
I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are still missing! :D
Greg Songer
King 606, King 3B-F: DE LT101/LTD/D3
King 4B-F: Bach 5G Megatone gold plated
King 2107 bass: DE MB109/MB J/J8 King
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