Wiseman tenor cases

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Wiseman tenor cases

Post by ttf_bonenick »

I am looking out for opinions from anyone who may have experience with Wiseman cases.
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Wiseman tenor cases

Post by ttf_bigbassbone1 »

I have never owned one personally, nor have I seen one actually made for trombone. I do know a number of bassoon players with wiseman cases as well as a couple of trumpet players. Going off those, it seems like the cases protect your instrument VERY well. Hard shell, and stuff is kind of suspended inside so contact points seem minimal. The only downsides I have seen with with them are that they are crazy expensive and suuuuper heavy! After trying to pick up the trumpet one, I can only imagine how heavy one made for trombone must be.
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Wiseman tenor cases

Post by ttf_bigbassbone1 »

I have never owned one personally, nor have I seen one actually made for trombone. I do know a number of bassoon players with wiseman cases as well as a couple of trumpet players. Going off those, it seems like the cases protect your instrument VERY well. Hard shell, and stuff is kind of suspended inside so contact points seem minimal. The only downsides I have seen with with them are that they are crazy expensive and suuuuper heavy! After trying to pick up the trumpet one, I can only imagine how heavy one made for trombone must be.
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