Rejuvenating a Holton tr150

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Rejuvenating a Holton tr150

Post by norbie2018 »

I was at M&W Trombones earlier today having them look over a Holton tr150 in rough shape. The tr150 was my first trombone which I bought back in the 80s and sold/replaced with a Bach 42. I always regretted that so when I had the chance to purchase another tr150 I took the bait, this one a 70s vintage. I am having them turn the slide into a Bach width tenor yellow end crook, do some voodoo on the valve, take out the dents, refinish, and relaquer the instrument. The finish will be brush on the bell section with the exception of the valve cap; this and the slide section will be a mirror finish.

I'm really looking forward to the results, for both the look and sound. I'll post before and after photos when it's complete.

Btw, I worked with them before on mods to my Yamaha 882or; they are super easy to work with and do exceptional work.
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Neo Bri
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Re: Rejuvenating a Holton tr150

Post by Neo Bri »

I'd love to see the pictures before and after.
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