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New Forum Members!

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 6:46 am
by ttf_anonymous
Hello fellow slushpumpers, my name is John Harpole and I am a recent returnee to the trombone after not playing since around 1978. After practicing for about 45 days, I started playing with our worship band at church. As a typical slide geek, I now have my King 2b silversonic ( bought new in 1968 ), conn 88h, and I just aquired a selmer-paris bolero that is getting the Lazarus (raised from the dead) treatment from my local repair-errrahhh-magician. Most of my skills are returning slowly and surely, but it is amazing what you loose over the years, ie. Blue Bells of Scotland was my state contest solo my senior year and I recieved a standing "o" and best in state (Illinois), now I can't get by the first four bars without a !!!^*&#%^*U)@$%(!!!, but I'm still trying. If you see me on the steet, you can recognize me, I'm the middle age guy with a mouth that looks like I've had a rose vase stuck to my lips and just worked it loose. Anyway, I'm really happy to have found you all. (yes I live in the south)

New Forum Members!

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2004 12:20 pm
by ttf_anonymous
Hello there trombone friends. My name is Dylan King, and I am really a tubist who makes his living as a composer. I work in Hollywood, scoring cartoons for Warner Bros. and do a commercial from time to time. I recently purchased a Yamaha YBL-622 Doug Yeo bass trombone and am loving it. I actually started playing trombone as my first brass instrument.

You can learn more and hear some of my music at

With three tubas in your face!


New Forum Members!

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 3:36 pm
by ttf_healthytrombone
Grant Rummel is a trombonist mainly focusing in orchestral stuff but also very partial to chamber playing, jazz, death metal, and anything else.  Studying with Wayne Solomon at UC Santa Cruz and studied with Dr. Dan Aldag for the first two years at Humboldt State.  You all may be familiar with these schools thanks to Rolling Stone Magazine (see Rolling Stone September 16, 2004 "The Most Stoned Kids on the Most Stoned Day on the Most Stoned Campus on Earth").  Extracurricular activities other than what one might assume based on campus choices that Grant participates in are the UCSC Orchestra (principal), UCSC Big Band, UCSC Contemporary Music Ensemble, and a lot of drinking.  Plans for the new quarter include starting a bone quartet, playing in a brass quintet, drinking and being a really bodacious trombonist.
The surf here is great, being a local and not getting yelled at is almost better.  Grant heart's burritos and films that are good like I Heart Huckabees, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Napoleon Dynamite and The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou.  Plans for farther down the road are to get a BM in music, go to a conservatory to get another piece of paper with his name on it and to viciously expatriate from the land founded by people that were so religious and uptight that the British told them to go away.  Once said goals are completed and that family raising business happens, Grant will succumb to the icy hand of death by being eaten by a 20 foot shark while dropping in on a fifty foot wave at Mavericks while playing the Blue Bells of Scotland with fire shooting out of his trombone while naked.  That would be sweet.

New Forum Members!

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 2:53 pm
by ttf_anonymous
Hi,  My name is Randal.  I have been playing off and on for the past 22 years.  Live in Albuquerque with my wife and three daughters.  Youngest being being 2 months.  I will hopefully be in contact with the local community band so I can start playing for real again.  I have been reading some very good posts on here and hope to be able to have some input in the near future and learn several things as well.  Image

New Forum Members!

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2005 3:36 pm
by ttf_anonymous
I'm a new member! I'm a trombonist in High School. (tenor)

I love marching band!

This forum rocks

New Forum Members!

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2005 4:23 pm
by ttf_BFW
Hey, welcome to the forum, everybody!  Image

New Forum Members!

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2005 2:56 pm
by ttf_anonymous
my name is andrea.  i am a freshman at my high school.  i hit my biggest musical break last year as an 8th grader when i went to PMEA, as a flutist.  good times..........  anyway, over the summer, i picked up trombone.  June 14, 2004.  1st day of freshman band camp.  i believe my first note was  Image  Image .  i'm not sure.  i had know idea what i was doing.  the next day i played a  Image  Image (flat).  it was kind of weird because at the time, well, gimme a break!  i didn't even play for a day!  all of a sudden you hear this dying dog type noise and everyone turns around.  but then once they discovered it was just me, they really didn't care.  a few months later, i bought a brand spankin new yamaha.  his name is Pedro.  i was 2nd trombone for marching band.  i was in the second line......... stupid section leader.  i play 2nd trombone for jazz band II at my school.  there's 2 jazz bands: I and II.  jazz I is better.  i also play 2nd trombone for brass choir.  i play 1st flute for flute choir at my school, there's not much competition.  as of right now, for concert band, i'm back to flute.  i play 2nd flute in concert band.  i can beat every single 1st.  they're all sophmores and cant play for beans.  i want to be in our symphonic band sooooooooooo bad.  however, due to my poor sight reading skills, i'm stuck in concert band Image  much sadness.  oh well, i'm getting in symphonic band somehow.  i'll get back on the symphonic stuff.  

toodles, andrea

New Forum Members!

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2005 4:17 pm
by ttf_zellerbrook
My name is Zach and I am currently in the Navy Atlantic Fleet Band in Norfolk, VA, where I've just switched from the ride chair in the jazz band, to lead in the Showband (funk, disco, popular).  It's quite a switch, and I'm having a fun time doing it.
This is a good site and I wish I found it sooner.  I hope to see many from the OTJ Forum at the Eastern Trombone Workshop in Washington.

New Forum Members!

Posted: Thu May 12, 2005 10:04 am
by ttf_anonymous
hey  ------NEVER TRY TO CHANGE YOUR E MAIL ADDRESS !!!!!!!!!!!!!
IN PROFILE  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ouch !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GEEZ   ------my  account  whatever went inactive  !!!!!!!!!!!!
so here i am   again under  a new  namr   ///uh  nane //duh  name  
got  dsl  w verizon  ---and new  robot    i mean  computer  
--powermac  g4  --the keyboard sucks  ----and  otj window  wont go full screen ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????
SO  HERE  I  AM      A  ''NEWBIE   ''  AGAIN
 ALONG W THE  OTHER  SLUGS   and  werd slingers  !!!!!!
truely a humbolting xxxxxxxx perience  

New Forum Members!

Posted: Thu May 12, 2005 10:28 am
by ttf_anonymous
hey DJ welcome to the forum  Image (again) Image

Welcome to everyone else too, we are happy to have ya!!!

New Forum Members!

Posted: Thu May 12, 2005 11:42 am
by ttf_BFW
DJ, you can enable your account again simply by replying to the email sent to the new address!  I changed my email in the account with no trouble.

New Forum Members!

Posted: Thu May 12, 2005 11:47 am
by ttf_Stretch Longarm
hhheyyy, dddjjjjj.......hhhowwww ttthhheee hhhheccckkk aaarrreee yyyooouuu?

LLLLooonnnggg ttttiiimmmeee nnnnoooo hhhheeeaaarrr.


New Forum Members!

Posted: Fri May 13, 2005 12:12 am
by ttf_RedHotMama
DJ, I think I've reactivated your old account. Please check. Thanks.

New Forum Members!

Posted: Sun May 15, 2005 7:55 pm
by ttf_puma
Yay! DJ is back!  Image

New Forum Members!

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 7:23 pm
by ttf_anonymous
hi. i'm a new member. well, duh. anyway...
i am 13.
i am in 7th grade
i a in  a varsity band( my school is really small so the jr, high and high school band is one)
this is y first year playing trombone
i am aquainted with bassbonechick1(she is in my band and an all stater)
my band went to state for conceert this month
i live in harper texas
i do not currently have a boyfriend....(the guy i like is a trumpet plyer)
not that u guys needed to now that...
thats all about me!

New Forum Members!

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 9:13 pm
by ttf_ParLawGod
Welcome to the forum!

New Forum Members!

Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 3:18 pm
by ttf_anonymous
Hey!  New to the forum, new college grad, back in dallas for full-time work (not trombone-related) and am looking for a group to play with.  Who's out there???

New Forum Members!

Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 7:50 pm
by ttf_anonymous
Hi everyone...

Laurel here. This is my 5th yr playing the trombone. In sec 4 now. Playing for my school band and some community band outside. having major exams this year...


Hate it... If I don't have to study, then I would have tons of time to practice...

Playing 1st chair in school and sometimes outside...

Anyway, I would want to take trombone seriously and hope to get a professional job with it.

Welcome to all the new members around! Hope you have a great time in OTJ! Image

New Forum Members!

Posted: Sun May 29, 2005 9:48 pm
by ttf_anonymous

I am Devin, formerly Devinshires and formerly another screen name I have forgotten.  I mostly lurk, but lately I've been venturing out of my hole and actually posting... don't know why, forums seem fairly intimidating.  Anyways, I am a Junior at Stetson University.  I play bass slide trombone - pm me if you want specs - and piano as a hobby.  I live in Pensacola, FL when I'm not schooling.  Look forward to contributing what I can on this board and getting to know some of you... or finding out we've already met.


New Forum Members!

Posted: Tue May 31, 2005 11:05 pm
by ttf_anonymous
Hello, I am Jordan Bayles. I am thirteen standard years of age. I am first trombone out of two in a high school of about 500. Horrible, isn't it? I do not personally know anyone else on the forum, though it is quickly becoming my 'home away from home', that is next to I play tenor trombone, a Conn Director right now, though I will soon receive a Yamaha YSL-356g in the mail.
I look foward to good times on the forum.

New Forum Members!

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 5:21 pm
by ttf_anonymous
Good evening.  I live in Canada ( the country directly north of USA), province of BC, city of richmond, located on lulu island.  Thats about 3 hours north of Seattle.  I go to a school of 800.  Because of lack of interest, my band class is grade 8-12 (I am 15, grade 9) and I am the ONLY trombone in the class.  Lets see...6 flutes, 3 clarinets 1 oboe, 1 piccolo, 3 trumpets, 1 french horn, 1 baritone, 2 A sax, 1 T sax, 2 bass, 2 percussion, and me.  Not very much.  I started my musical life on french horn, in grade 6.  in grade 9, (feb of this year) I picked up a trombone and tried to play it.,  I liked it, I got good at it quick.  I still play horn, and I also play piano for fun.  I dont own my own trombone, I use the schools.  since nobody else plays it, I basically own it.  It comes home wih me at night, weekends, even the winter, spring, and summer break.  

In class we play lots of different stuff.  Film music, classical, latin, etc...  I also like to transcribe things for trombone, video game music, film themes, classical pieces, whatever.

Outside of school, I am a part of a charity orchestra.

wWell, thats my story!

New Forum Members!

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 6:19 pm
by ttf_anonymous
hey guys i am nick
first chair trombonist in my band as a freshman going into sophomore year. i have a new conn 88h with the cl2000 valve. thats about it about me.

band is my life Image

New Forum Members!

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 10:10 pm
by ttf_anonymous
A school of 800, eh? that is pretty close to mine, though our band doesn't have that much variety. (1 kind of clarinet, 1 kind of sax, 1 kind of trombone, etc.) We also have four unused school horns, as me and my 'number one' use our own, so usually I don't bother bringing my horn to school...

New Forum Members!

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 9:54 am
by ttf_anonymous
Hi all,

I've been reading about many topics here in this forum for about a month and I've found much of the information very useful. Therefore, I believe it's time to jump in and participate to some extent.

About me:
I've been playing trombone for about 35 years beginning in 7th grade. I've been playing in the same Big Band in our area for about 31 years and playing lead for around 25 of those years. Most of that time was spent enjoying all the parties the band played for. I wasted a lot of time! I got serious about my playing about 6 years ago and since, my interest seems to leaning more toward small combo work. We'll see how that works out but for now, playing trombone is a big part of my life and many more opportunites to play have opened up. I'm the first call sub for another local big band, a local oldies band in the area and the comtemporary worship at my church.

That's it for now. I'll jump in on topics if I feel my experience and thoughts may be of benefit to discussion.

New Forum Members!

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 9:55 am
by ttf_Precious
Welcome to the forum!



New Forum Members!

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 1:07 pm
by ttf_anonymous
I am a new member as of yesterday.  I am Jon Bohls.  I live in Dallas.  I mostly make my living by private teaching.  I teach 75 +/- lessons a week during the school year.  I also help conduct a trombone ensemble here called SlideShow.  I am the Exhibits Director for the International Trombone Festivals.  I play bass trombone in two groups locally - the Lewisville Lake Symphony and the Texas Chamber Orchestra.  I have three sons that play - oldest and youngest play French Horn, the middle son plays an Edwards bass trombone.  My wife, of 26 years, is an oboist.  What else do you want to know?

New Forum Members!

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2005 5:39 pm
by ttf_anonymous
Hi everyone i am a 15 yr old (well...almost) trombone player from South Australia.
My name is James Bowman (everyone calls my Jimmy) and I am lead trombone of australia's top high school big band. Recently at the competition "Generations in Jazz" i was pick by James Morrison as Lead bone of their Super Band (one band made up of all the best players of the bands that competed.

 I was also chosen as a "Future Finalist" which means i got to go onstage and have a jam with James Morrison and a few other selected kids. "There was only 7 kids out of 65 big bands!!!)

I will be going to Melbourne and Sydney sponsered by B.M.W and in January I will be touring the USA and playing in the IAJE (International Association of Jazz Entertainers) annual conference thing which is rumoured to have people like Sammy Nestico, Bob Mintzer, Gordon Goodwin (or members of his band) and even Bill Watrous (!!!!)

Can't wait. It's going to be a blast. (teeheehee...yes i know...lame joke)

James (Jimmy) Bowman
Lead Bone Marryatville High School Big Band I
Recently gained title of best high school big band in Australia
Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

New Forum Members!

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2005 6:05 pm
by ttf_mwpfoot
Born in 1974...
...grew up on a ranch outside of Brentwood... was a rural town (at the time) in the greater San Francisco Bay Area...
...parents are hardcore sailors...
...seriously, my dad plays concertina and sings sea shanties...
...started trombone in the 5th grade, too many drummers... pretty good and played in county honor bands while in high school...
...lots of fun in the Cal Band at the University of California at Berkeley....
...evolved into a marching band arranger...
...graduated in 1997 with degree in Computer Science...
...worked for a while as a software developer...
...while funk band !Tang rose to decent local status....
...a highlight was opening for The Meters at the Fillmore...
...married... broke up, others rose from ashes...
...experimented with trombone and electronics...
...didn't work for a while...
...various community bands along the way...
...enjoying dixie combo and big band these days...
...self-taught piano, guitar, accordion, harmonica, percussion, ...
...working again as a software developer...

New Forum Members!

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2005 8:54 pm
by ttf_anonymous
Hey ya i'm new to the website

I'm 15 and a sophmore in high school.
I live on the beach so i go there quit often and my dad partially hosts fishing tournaments for the state and i enjoy going there.
I've been playing trombone since 6th grade.
I think i'm a cleptomaniac but that's another story......haha well, i just wanted to get introduced to everyone so feel free to send me some messages  Image  and keep in touch.

New Forum Members!

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 7:27 am
by ttf_FreddyB
G'day from Oz.

New to the forum thing, but long time Bass Trom Hack!!

Primarily self taught, so loving this forum thing!! Learning heaps from so much FANTASTIC info. Thanks to every body involvedl!!!!!

I've read heaps and heaps, so will now try to have a bit of input!! (like trbntoddo!) Sometimes I'm a bit too slow to get a word in edgeways. (showing my age) Image  Image  ... but I'll do my best  Image

Still trying to get a grip on all these emoti-thingos and Avatars and what not, so excuse me if I stuff it up Image  Image

I do the brass band thing with a community band in suburban Melbourne, Victoria.

Highlight of my playing career (Can you call a hobby a career??) was WINNING the NABBA contest in sunny South Carolina with an Aussie band way back in '94. We did a 2 week tour and got to play with the U.S. Army band and all sorts of exciting stuff.


Cheers to all

Neil (Fred) BASSETT

New Forum Members!

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 8:59 am
by ttf_anonymous
Hey folks,

I`m 18, been playing trombone since 5th grade, so I guess about 8 years now.  I`m from the United States, but I`m currently living in the Domincian Republic as an exchange student, although actually, only for the next 3 weeks, then I finally go home.  I play both jazz and classical, and have recently started writing arrangements.  I applied for "Blast!" a couple months ago, but didn`t get in, which was pretty much what I expected.  I also play every summer with the Fighting Instruments of Karma Marching Chamber Band/Orchestra, the band of this awesome group of vaudevillians known as the New Old Time Chautauqua.  I`m not sure if I`m going to persue trombone professionally or not, but I`m certainly gonna keep playing the rest of my life.  I come from a ridiculously musical family (mom teaches piano / accompanies choirs, dad plays it well enough to do so professionally and also plays cello, sister plays piano, violin, oboe, guitar, and sings in a choir.  Insanity) so I`ve been into music my whole life.  Played piano for about 6 years, but quit when I realized how much more fun trombone was.

Nice to meet you.

New Forum Members!

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 4:05 pm
by ttf_tromboneaddict
Quote from: "FreddyB"G'day from Oz.

Highlight of my playing career (Can you call a hobby a career??) was WINNING the NABBA contest in sunny South Carolina with an Aussie band way back in '94. We did a 2 week tour and got to play with the U.S. Army band and all sorts of exciting stuff.

Neil (Fred) BASSETT

Well, hey give me a message if you ever come back to South Carolina (the state i live in) and i'd be more than happy to hear you guys play.

New Forum Members!

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 6:27 pm
by ttf_anonymous
Hi there.I'm gowaverlybandbrass ( I sign most of my posts w/ Britt though! Image)
I have been playing trombone in Jr. High Band for about 2 & 1/2 years and I LOVE IT!!!

New Forum Members!

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 3:43 pm
by ttf_anonymous
Hi, Image

    I'm Gavin Bayles. I'm new with the trombone. I just decided to actually post, rather than just look around at's whats already been posted. The trombone I'm using is a 10-year-old Conn. I am already addicted to looking around, so I hope to post alot.
                                    Thankee kindly,

New Forum Members!

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 3:54 pm
by ttf_anonymous
He is my brother  ^

New Forum Members!

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 12:26 pm
by ttf_anonymous
Well, I'm Exotria, been playing trombone for... five years now.  I'll be first chair next year, except that I'm not that good... I haven't ever had lessons, you see.  However, this summer I'll be taking lessons and actually practicing.

I've found trombone is far more fun when you get to do some awesome high slurs in Robert W. Smith songs.  Or anything that we play nowadays... middle school music was rather boring.

New Forum Members!

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 6:09 pm
by ttf_tboner4me
Hey there Image

A good friend of mine recommended the OTJF since I haven't had any luck finding a french horn forum. So, here I am.

I have been playing horn since eighth grade, and before that I played clarinet. I just finished my sophomore year of high school as first chair horn of the symphonic band. I play tpet in jazz and mellophone in marching band. I will hopefully be learning tbn sometime this summer, so we'll see how that goes.

New Forum Members!

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2005 10:14 am
by ttf_anonymous
heya, am new from the tiny tropical islands of Singapore
Born in 1989 and 16 this year

had been play a trombone for nearly 4years in secondary school (high sch).

using a bach 42 stra.

had only touched the trombone since and nv changed any instrument. ha, consider that lucky or boring, ah.

normally play symphonic, concert and some classical and jazz music.

had been around this web for quite some time but only sign up for da forum recently. jz looking ard and reading stuff here and get to know more of trombones and stuff.

feel free to message me, jz looking ard and make more bonie-friends eh ; )

New Forum Members!

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2005 2:04 pm
by ttf_VoodooChild42

Welcome to the evil bach clan as well.  Image

Just a quick question... can you really not chew gum in singapore?

New Forum Members!

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 8:14 pm
by ttf_anonymous
Well, I guess this is where I introduce myself.  First off I've been playing the T-bone since 6th grade.  I never was really serious at it until the last year or so.  This summer I'm getting my first lessons since starting the whole thing and boy I've improved more in one month than in 6 months before them.  I'd really like to continue studying the trombone through college, especially jazz, which I believe I'm better at than "traditional" styles.  I pretty much joined to have some questions answered about a variety of things which I hope this group will help.


New Forum Members!

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 9:08 pm
by ttf_ParLawGod
Welcome to the forum Matt!  Congratulations on the first post, hopefully the first of many.

As you can tell by the member count, there are many amateur and professional trombonists here that are always willing to help.

Again, welcome - see you around the forum!
QuoteA good friend of mine recommended the OTJF since I haven't had any luck finding a french horn forum. So, here I am.

Your friend sent you to the right place.  Below is a link to a forum that also has several good french horn players around, you may find that forum very useful as well.

New Forum Members!

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 10:16 pm
by ttf_hapless
Quote from: "VoodooChild42"Welcome!!!

Welcome to the evil bach clan as well.  Image

Just a quick question... can you really not chew gum in singapore?

you can chew gum, but you can never find gum for sale here. weird, but unfortunately true. haha!

New Forum Members!

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 4:07 pm
by ttf_DblHorn6403
Quote from: "ParLawGod"
QuoteA good friend of mine recommended the OTJF since I haven't had any luck finding a french horn forum. So, here I am.

Your friend sent you to the right place.  Below is a link to a forum that also has several good french horn players around, you may find that forum very useful as well.

Hey, thanks a lot! I'll be sure to check it out!

New Forum Members!

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 5:20 pm
by ttf_ParLawGod
No problem - my username is the same there too, be sure to say "hi" if you see me around.

New Forum Members!

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 7:51 pm
by ttf_anonymous
Joined the site a few days ago, just discovered this thread...

I'm Rachelle, a junior in high school at NFMHS Center for Arts and Media in SW Florida. I first started music with piano in 2nd grade and then began French horn in 6th grade. In 8th grade I picked up the euphonium for the first time and also made it into the county honor band for the first time. In 9th I picked up trombone for jazz. Now I'm primarily a euphonium player (in marching and concert). I play 'bone for fun on the side plus in my school's top jazz ensemble. I'm pretty dedicated to music and I'm getting pretty good as well. For college, I plan on going to the University of Central Florida and majoring in Music Ed.

So that's me.  Image  Image

New Forum Members!

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 11:12 pm
by ttf_VoodooChild42
O wow for a second i thought you were someone who went to my school and i got scurred.


New Forum Members!

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2005 6:05 am
by ttf_ParLawGod
Rachelle, welcome to the forum!

New Forum Members!

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 5:29 am
by ttf_Labdiscoduck
Hello everyone-
  My name is Jeff, I'm 32, and I've been on here for a couple months now (actively).  Joe Jackson and Ben Patterson got me on the site- I play 2nd trombone with them in the Airmen of Note.  I grew up in a little tiny town in Kansas, went to school at the Univ. of N. Colorado for a year, and transferred to N. Texas the rest of the time.  I've been playing with the Note for 8 1/2 years now and love it!  This forum is really cool- I wish I would've had something like it when I was starting out.  Glad to see so many people on here from all over the world!

New Forum Members!

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 8:07 am
by ttf_Stretch Longarm
Hey Jeff,

I saw you in Portland, (OR) a while back - great job! Welcome to the forum, where we all avoid doing things like practice, work, household chores, etc while we rant, rave, question authority, and discuss equipment we can't afford.

But it IS a great place!

New Forum Members!

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 9:07 am
by ttf_anonymous
Quote from: "Stretch Longarm"Hey Jeff,

I saw you in Portland, (OR) a while back - great job! Welcome to the forum, where we all avoid doing things like practice, work, household chores, etc while we rant, rave, question authority, and discuss equipment we can't afford.

But it IS a great place!

I just visited Portland. I'm from there, and originally from California  Image .