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ON DEM aud London Sym B. Haitink Mahler 9 fr/May 23

Posted: Tue May 23, 2017 7:31 pm
by ttf_alexwill
The London Symphony played Mahler 9 on May 23 with Bernard Haitink.  The LSO dedicated the performance to the victims of the Manchester bombing. Don't miss the words of LSO Orchestra's Chairman and Principal Flute Gareth Davies at 6m45s.  (Available until late June 2017.)

ON DEM aud London Sym B. Haitink Mahler 9 fr/May 23

Posted: Tue May 23, 2017 7:31 pm
by ttf_alexwill
The London Symphony played Mahler 9 on May 23 with Bernard Haitink.  The LSO dedicated the performance to the victims of the Manchester bombing. Don't miss the words of LSO Orchestra's Chairman and Principal Flute Gareth Davies at 6m45s.  (Available until late June 2017.)