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P24G valve part 2

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 12:20 pm
by ttf_PSJ
I know how to oil the spindles on the Olds valves, does anyone know what Olds recommended for the oil to use?  Regular rotor oil?  Some type of spindle oil?  The synthetics were not really around back then so I am curious.

I have been using a sewing machine oil (light machine oil) that seems to work.  I was told about sewing machine oil years ago by my teacher in grad school for spindles.  Just wondered what might be a better option that the factory would have recommended.


P24G valve part 2

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 6:45 pm
by ttf_bonesmarsh
I use Denis Wick on my vintage Olds bones. Cheap enough to just bathe 40 year old horns. They're all older than 1979.

P24G valve part 2

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 6:45 pm
by ttf_bonesmarsh
I use Denis Wick on my vintage Olds bones. Cheap enough to just bathe 40 year old horns. They're all older than 1979.