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Trying out horns in Australia

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2017 12:08 am
by ttf_anonymous
Hi all, Image
Got a bit of a weird thing to ask for anyone located in Australia (i'm located in Sydney) and i'm looking to try out some new horns but over here we aren't very spoilt for choice in most stores (primarily stock sort of Bach's, King, Conn and Kunhl & Hoyer, not many vintage items either)
I am wondering if anyone may know anyone lesser known stores which may have more boutique sort of horns ie Shires, Rath, Inderbinen,B.A.C. etc or someone who has one who would let me try theirs? even mouthpieces such as monette? (a little curious)
 I have in the past just researched different horns and gear because of the lack of variety over here but am more interested in potentially trying out some different stuff if possible instead of having to go overseas eventually.
I am currently playing a Selmer Bolero w/F trigger as main horn and in the past played a King 2b Silversonic
Thankyou  Image

Trying out horns in Australia

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2017 12:21 am
by ttf_The Bone Ranger
There are definitely stores in Australia that carry horns by Shires and Rath. Google is your friend for this, but I've certainly played horns from Shires and Rath at various stores and festivals over the decades.

Best to speak to some of the better professional players in your town, as they'll know where to point you. I'm in Adelaide, and if you were here, I could point you to people who have small and large versions of all the equipment you've mentioned. You won't find a one-stop shop (Ie Dillon's) that has just about everything, but most things are out there if you know which rock to look under...


Trying out horns in Australia

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2017 12:55 pm
by ttf_Zandit75
I was going to suggest however theya re only based in Melbourne and Queensland.
Having said that, are based in Camperdown, NSW.
They are both Shires dealers, and also deal in many other brands.

Trying out horns in Australia

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2017 7:04 pm
by ttf_Max Croot
Hi. Contact Greg Aiken at Brass music specialists 90 Appel st. Graceville Queensland.  ph 07332781311 or visit their website. Cheers Max.

Trying out horns in Australia

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2017 11:55 pm
by ttf_drizabone
Last time I was at  they didn't have anything special, but give them a call. You might be lucky.

Trying out horns in Australia

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2017 11:55 pm
by ttf_drizabone
Last time I was at  they didn't have anything special, but give them a call. You might be lucky.