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Launch of "The Healthy Trombonist"

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 12:46 pm
by ttf_Orestes
Greetings Forumites --

Welcome to the newest section of the Trombone Forum: The Healthy Trombonist. My name is Galen McQuarrie and I have been nosing around the Forum since 2002. My day job is with the Dept. of Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Walla Walla, WA as a physician (Internal Medicine Specialist). I serve as the director of the extended care facility there. I am also an absolutely insane "trombone freak". Anything with regards to trombones, trombone playing and music in general brings immense joy to my battered soul. Thus, I am very happy indeed to combine my two interests.

Since joining the forum five years ago, I have viewed and have contributed to numerous threads dealing with health and medical issues. They have occurred regularly in a wide variety. The threads disclosed a great interest and considerable knowledge and insight on behalf of the contributers. I was happy to add my expertise to the discussions many occasions. I learned much from the discussions myself. There was, however, no central location for the information that was exchanged. The posts were scattered from "chit-chat" to "pedagogy", to "trombonists" and practically every other section as well. As a consequence, the threads tended to get lost in the shuffle. Hopefully this new section will rectify this.

In the past, there have been many posts about such topics as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Performance Anxiety, depression, dental difficulties, Ear, Nose and Throat problems. There have been discussions regarding Focal Dystonia, playing with Pneumonia and many other topics. Discussions on all of these and more will be welcome. Rather than "writing articles", I would like this section to be for the members exchange of information and discussion. We are interested in your perspective and what you have to say. We would like to know how you have solved problems and how you have dealt with health and medical issues. I will, of course be available to clarify, offer suggestions and give input if desired. I will also endeavour to correct misconceptions, but it is not my purpose to dominate the overall thrust of the content. This is the members' prerogative, but I'll be available to help.

I am enthused about this new offering on the forum, and I look forward to working with the TTF staff and the forum members. I appreciate the many things I have learned, and the personal exchanges with everyone in the past, and hope that this will be a worthwhile experience for all of us.

Launch of "The Healthy Trombonist"

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 1:32 pm
by ttf_RedHotMama
Welcome to the staff, Galen! Image This will be an extremely useful and very welcome addition to the forum. Thank you. Image

Launch of "The Healthy Trombonist"

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 7:15 pm
by ttf_SandyMBarrows
Thanks, Galen....visited with you before. Hope all is well, and I believe this forum will keep you busy!

Launch of "The Healthy Trombonist"

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2007 8:47 pm
by ttf_anonymous
I hope you'll enlighten us with a discussion of the symbiotic relationship between good physical and good emotional health.  Not to beat a dead horse, but I think there are plenty of pills for both issues.  But, through strategy and discipline, there is much we can do to improve both with nothing more than good information and good intentions. 


Launch of "The Healthy Trombonist"

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 12:25 am
by ttf_anonymous
Bravo Galen and Bravo TTF. Great. Just what . . .  'the doctor ordered' . . . pun deliberate. A few colleagues of mine have non-trombone related health issues . . . that give them hell also in the trombone department. And most of us having played for many years have had to deal with various issues and some of us have been able to find ways to 'survive' as trombone players in spite of the fact.
Go Galen!

Launch of "The Healthy Trombonist"

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 7:05 pm
by ttf_anonymous
Thank you very much you  Galen, i read your forum really which i liked.I am newly in this field.When i got your such forum make me full effort to seek such people like you.

Launch of "The Healthy Trombonist"

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 7:05 pm
by ttf_anonymous
Thank you very much you  Galen, i read your forum really which i liked.I am newly in this field.When i got your such forum make me full effort to seek such people like you.