It's good to be back playing...

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It's good to be back playing...

Post by Kingfan »

I had major back surgery May 6th. I couldn't do a whole lot for a few weeks. I did a little mouthpiece buzzing and two weeks ago started practicing every few days. Last night was my first band rehearsal since before the surgery. It was great to be with my friends making music. I am feeling better mood-wise today than I can't remember when. Music has power!
I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are still missing! :D
Greg Songer
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Re: It's good to be back playing...

Post by OneTon »

Glad you’re back. Hang in there.
Richard Smith
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Re: It's good to be back playing...

Post by Crazy4Tbone86 »

Hey Kingfan,

Glad that you are back in the saddle again! Take it slow and easy. I know many people that have had various back surgeries. Some were impatient with the doctor’s recovery recommendations and others followed the doctor’s instructions faithfully. It seems that the people that heeded their doctor’s suggestions about activities and lifting things did much better in the long haul.

Your comment about the power of music is so true. Not just playing in groups with others. I find that just picking up the instrument and practicing at home does wonders to my well-being.

May your recovery be steady and complete. Remember, the ultimate goal is to enjoy playing trombone for as many decades as possible!
Brian D. Hinkley - Player, Teacher, Technician and Trombone Enthusiast
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Re: It's good to be back playing...

Post by Ozzlefinch »

Music is good medicine.

But like any medicine, don't take too much of it or it could harm you. Go slow, take the time to heal. Back surgery is no trifling matter.

Good luck, and speedy recover!
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Re: It's good to be back playing...

Post by robcat2075 »

Hooray! Glad to hear of your successful outcome!
>>Robert Holmén<<

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Re: It's good to be back playing...

Post by atopper333 »

That’s awesome to hear

Hope you have a quick and full recovery!
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Re: It's good to be back playing...

Post by mcphatty00 »

It's amazing how it works. I lost 3 years (divorce), but even getting back feels rewarding. 👍
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